The following morning I awoke, not in the accursed traitor Macbeth’s castle, but in a brighter land. I feel a new light tainted only by the knowledge of how I died and what i left on earth. Curse Macbeth! Curse Cawdor, who cannot keep a thane worthy of my trust! Macbeth has broken many vows to me and his honour as well! Now in this place, these matters are of little importance but; I can only fear for my sons who will have to suffer through the darkness of Macbeth. He will no doubt pursue them next. Him! King of Scotland! Pah, I would rather see a common peasant or an English traitor upon the throne then the vermin that is Macbeth. Flee my sons; flee to far Ireland or Cumberland! But do not stay or fall, as I have done, to the ruthless traitor Macbeth. He may escape with my murder and others, but a throne acquired in such a way cannot be maintained for long. A ruthless king with no regard for his fellow man, but only himself will make many enemies, if you can identify the pure, and gather an army worthy of thy cause, you will prevail! As for Macbeth, a torture of the mind will be with him constantly, not to mention what awaits him in the afterlife. So be brave Malcolm, and Donalbain seize the day and take back what is yours, the monarchy of Scotland!
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