Thursday, January 15, 2009

King Duncan's Confession Part 4

The following morning I awoke, not in the accursed traitor Macbeth’s castle, but in a brighter land. I feel a new light tainted only by the knowledge of how I died and what i left on earth. Curse Macbeth! Curse Cawdor, who cannot keep a thane worthy of my trust! Macbeth has broken many vows to me and his honour as well! Now in this place, these matters are of little importance but; I can only fear for my sons who will have to suffer through the darkness of Macbeth. He will no doubt pursue them next. Him! King of Scotland! Pah, I would rather see a common peasant or an English traitor upon the throne then the vermin that is Macbeth. Flee my sons; flee to far Ireland or Cumberland! But do not stay or fall, as I have done, to the ruthless traitor Macbeth. He may escape with my murder and others, but a throne acquired in such a way cannot be maintained for long. A ruthless king with no regard for his fellow man, but only himself will make many enemies, if you can identify the pure, and gather an army worthy of thy cause, you will prevail! As for Macbeth, a torture of the mind will be with him constantly, not to mention what awaits him in the afterlife. So be brave Malcolm, and Donalbain seize the day and take back what is yours, the monarchy of Scotland!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

King Duncan's Confession Part 3

As I was walking through Birnam Wood, I stumbled upon magic that took the form of a pond. It was deep, yet so clear, and I could see life in the form of fish. It was pleasant and relaxing, like fine women dancing. But something caught my attention, something that wasn't right. My reflection, upon water's surface, was unusual. I could see myself, wearing old, ripped clothing, comparable to a filty peasant of present day. I took my eyes off the mirror of water, and looked at myself. I was still in king's outfit, but everytime I gazed into the reflection, I see the direct opposite. This is not right, I am the King! This wretched outfit I see in the pond, it can't possibly be me! Suddenly I heard a noise, branches breaking. A figure emerged from the shadows of the forest. I could not see the person's face, for it was blurry, and distorted. My body suddenly froze, as if petrified by this being's presence. His face became clear, eyes sharp as an eagle's talon. It was Macbeth, yet I could not utter his name. "You're reign has ended, Royal Father", he said. I could hear faint screams of people in the distance, as he pulled out a dagger. Suddenly, I awoke from my horrible dream, startled and sweating, but my fear was not over. Lying on top of me lay Macbeth, dagger in hand. The dagger came down, several times in a row, entering my body. I could feel its cold, sharp blade, taking my life away. My eyes became heavy once again, and I fell into an eternal slumber. My reign was over, and the land was no longer mine.

King Duncan's Confession Part 2

I sent Ross to Forres to give a message to Macbeth saying that he was to be the new Thane of Cawdor. He should be grateful for this honor; when I arrive there; I hope that everything is fit for me and that there is plenty of women, since my wife died, I have been quite lonely in my castle. When I arrived in forres I was greeted as a king should be, everyone was there including Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. After I settled in, we had a grand feast, it was quite nice. Lady Macbeth was sitting beside me and she looked very beautiful. When Macbeth came in, he was skeptical to sit with me and stood there for a moment glaring at us. Macbeth has been quite bookish recently and quiet. I haven’t heard a word from him until today when I had arrived in forres. I do think of Macbeth as a loyal friend but I do not like it when I am left in the dark like this, I should probably go and have a word with him later after the feast. Macbeth being the new thane of Cawdor is a great honor but it seems like he is not that exited about it. Tomorrow he will probably perk up and start appreciating the things that he is gifted with. To bed for me now, another day arrives soon and I have to have my rest, I hope that tomorrow will be a better day for me and that everything goes well.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

King Duncan's Confession part 1

I am your Royal Father Duncan, King of Scotland. All my fellow people recognize me as a great king who loves all those who obey him and respect him. The one action that I despise is treachery. Treachery is the betrayal of one’s trust and this betrayal occurred during my time as king and even worse it happened to none other than your Royal Father. Am I not a man who keeps his word? Am I not the man who rewards those who offer themselves towards the king? Am I not the great King Duncan who is grateful towards my people who have offered me their services? I am I dare say! Yet I have been betrayed, but not by a man whom I’ve been ill mannered to. No my friend, it was one of my worthy Thanes. The Thane of Cawdor who has betrayed me and gave up his allegiance to the King. He has betrayed me for the Norweyan King and joined their side for the assault they laid on us. The Thane of Cawdor was an insult to my memory this is what I thought of him “ He was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust.” That is all in the past now. The great Macbeth is worthy of the title Thane of Cawdor to match his Thane of Glamis and I have deep trust in this new Thane than I did with the old one.